Thursday, 13 November 2014

Cenospheres and Microspheres

Cenosphere are basically hollow microsphere belonging to alumino silicate glass which is produced by fly ash during the burning of coal in a power plant. Although they are of small size, but they have numerous applications. Their vast application is due to their properties of pozzolanic, hollow spherical shape and lower density.

Cenosphere India

Cenosphere India is used as a filler in minerals, replacing resins and plastics. Due to this, their insulation property is improved, shrinkage and weight is reduced and ultimately leading to greater structural strength. Cenosphere is one of the powerful ingredients for many recipes of industrial products. Here, it is being quoted as a filler in plastics, where it replaces resins and minerals that are generally used. Cenosphere from India actually leads to an advance improvement of the properties of insulation and thermal. It also leads to the reduction of weight. It also reduces the shrinking. All these beneficial properties make it a highly favorable material as a filler.

Before going deep into the properties of cenosphere, it is also important to know about the origins of this fantastic material. Understanding its composition is also important. This material is usually generated with fly ash, generally in a power plant. These power plants uses coal as their raw fuel. When this particular fuel burns and the gas gets produced, it gets trapped in the particles of fly ash. It leads to the making of a spherical shaped bubble which is thin walled. This bubble of spherical shape that has thin walls is known as cenosphere. The particles of cenosphere consist of relative density which is one and is also very light in weight. The particles of cenospheres are obtained from high disposals of ash. Because of high density, the particles of cenosphere float in the air. When they are recovered, they are cleaned properly in order to remove impurities. After this, they are dried as well as classified according to the sizes.

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