Thursday, 24 August 2017

Are you in Need of Best Cenosphere Suppliers in India?

enosphere is a sort of sialic bead and midget glass particle which is extracted from fly ash in thermal power plants, the reason is that it can be adrift on the water, it is called Cenosphere. It is a chemical composition of SiO2 and Al2O3. With a melting point around 1300° Celsius, Cenospheres stand firm temperatures far higher than any comparable thin-walled hollow glass midget sphere. This extreme temperature flexibility is achieved through unparalleled refractory properties.


Cenospheres are flyspeck, exceedingly compressive power, super light in weight, frees inundated, with extreme temperature thawing point and non-porous. Cenospheres are utilized primarily as lightweight make weight are involved in the oil and gas, plastics, building, refractory, constructions, footwear, composites, automotive, recreation & coating industries. Cenospheres are available in both gray and white to suit the required application.

Cenosphere is a complete material in oil cementing work. It is normally extracted from coal fly ash, and also can be semi synthetic. The cost of semi-synthetic Cenosphere is greater than that from coal fly ash. Coal material, combustion mode, and Boiler Efficiency on a great deal affect the Quality of Cenosphere.

Cenosphere is utilized as weightlessness intermixture for oil-well cement in a wide range due to its construction features as hollow, closeness, thin wall and fine grains, and its physical properties such as low density, extreme intensity, and constant performance, it can ameliorate liquidity of cement slurry, delay light weight time of cement slurry, ameliorate the anti-gas guiding ability of cement slurry, power up the stability of the cement slurry, and it can react with the cement hydration products and developed compounds have gelation property, ameliorate the cement slurry's power, heat resisting property and corrosion resistance, lower heat conductivity coefficient and permeability of cement stone.

Likewise, Cenosphere Suppliers in India utilizes it for cementing; Cenosphere can be utilized for painting, thermal insulation material, and construction material, refractory and so on as well.
India is an inevitable exporter of Cenosphere, and strong competitors are China and Russia, especially China. With Cenosphere Suppliers in India paying much more attention to the environment, coal fly ash abridges a lot, and it influences Cenosphere productivity.

Friday, 18 August 2017

Properties of Cenosphere Available in India

Cenospheres are the sphere of inert hollow silicate. Cenospheres primarily utilized to abridge the weight of types of cements, Rubbers, Plastics, Resins, etc. utilized all-encompassing as filler lubricants in oil drilling procedure under eminent heat and eminent stress conditions down the hole. Also utilized as oil well cementing, mud putty and similar applications.

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Cenospheres were earlier utilized in the United States as an extender for plastic compounds, as they are well matched with thermoplastics, Phenolic resins, Latex, Epoxies, Polyesters, and urethanes. The compatibility of Cenospheres with particular types of cements and adhesives coating and composites have been well identified.

  • reducing weight,
  • less shrinkage and warping
  • Reduces water absorption.
  • increased filler loadings,
  • better flow characteristics,

We cater complete project profiling of Cenospheres infusion and Processing Plant and Fly Ash dressing plant along with process technology.


Generally Cenosphere in India are being gathered from the ash ponds owing to its irrepressibility characteristics. These are skimmed out, washed, dried and sifted out as per customer’s specification for marketing. Due to immense requirement in international market for quality material, costs have gone up to a great extent whereas reach of collection from ash ponds still remains very limited without much reach for quality authority.

Well-nigh, all the ash ponds are now under control of local mafia who; for raw Cenosphere in India, charge high price without vouching any quality whatsoever. Besides quality discrepancies, collection from ash ponds remains stingy - leading to practice of mixing ash with Cenospheres without principle or scrupulous. WHEREAS in our developed process technology, one does not need to depend on collection from ash ponds at all and can extract Cenospheres right from the dry fly ash of thermal power plants. The process is a part of nanotechnology and a mergence of dry and wet process. By virtue of total control on the processes, one stands to extract reproducible quantity and quality of Cenospheres. The process generates zero outflowing and is therefore entirely non-polluting and ecofriendly.

We are a team of techno-research people having our roots in the India consecrated to the development of Cenospheres extraction and fly ash beneficiation.