Friday, 21 July 2017

Are you Searching a Reliable Cenosphere Supplier in India

Cenospheres is one kind of light weight material with more function for petroleum field. Its main compositions include SiO2 and Al2O3, and whose color is light gray or white. Extracted from pulverized fuel ash from coal-fired power stations hollow alumina-silicate Cenospheres or microspheres are versatile lightweight filler with applications in a variety of industrial and commercial products.


Cenospheres In India are filler used to replace minerals and resins where the benefits may be as diverse as weight reduction, improved thermal insulation, reduced shrinkage, improved fire resistance or simply easier application.

 Cenospheres range from 5-500 microns. A variety of standard grades is available with very accurate particle size top cuts and distribution ranges. Cenospheres in India are widely used in oil drilling cementing.

Various high value added products developed using Cenosphere as raw materials are found to be economically viable as discussed here.

The use of carbon derived from Cenosphere as an adsorbent for waste water treatment and its use as filler for rubber industry has been established.

The use of Cenosphere for the manufacture of high wear resistant tiles appears to be viable as a substitute for high alumina ceramics for various abrasion and wear resistant applications.

The use of Cenosphere in India alloys is about to be a commercial reality following its success on the pilot scale. The characterization of mechanical and tribological properties of ash alloys developed show that if possesses superior abrasion resistance, hardness, compressive proof strength, and elastic modulus compared to matrix aluminum alloys without any ash.

Coal ash mineral wool is produced abroad based on well-developed reliable technology. The quality of coal ash wool manufactured is comparable to the properties of conventional mineral wool at much lower prices.

A Cenosphere composite wood substitute developed in India using 25-35% Cenosphere is considered to be low cost and better alternative to ordinary wood. It has advantages over cellulose products, plywood and fiber board for all domestic and household applications.

Floater based light refractory materials developed are found to save 50% more energy compared to traditional refractory in furnace linings.

Products like ceramic fibers, foam insulation products, continuous casting mold powders, decorative glass are other potential technologies are under development. The full viability implications of the can be assessed after they are tried on pilot scale level.

Cenospheres are now being successfully used as fillers in plastic like nylon and polypropylene. Size classified coal ash can successfully substitute various other fillers like aluminum hydrate, calcium carbonate, kaolin, mica, and tale and ground silica. Their applications have been well established in wall board, joint compounds, carpet backings, vinyl flooring, plastics and industrial coatings, etc.

Refuse fire abatement using Cenosphere injections has proved to be a safe and effective technique. Control of the process using temperature criteria has been shown to be reliable. On projects where steep slopes are burning or access to the burning area is difficult, Cenosphere injection has been the most economical and at times the only effective method of fire abatement.

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