Monday, 6 November 2017

Cenosphere from India for Wide-ranging Applications

Cenosphere is inert hollow spheres made largely of silica and alumina and is produced in the process of coal combustion at the thermal power plant. Cenosphere from India is primarily used as a weight-resistant component in a number of applications including plastics, rubbers, cement, and resins. It is also used extensively as filler lubricants for oil drilling operations done under extreme temperature and stressful conditions down the hole. Cenosphere particles are also used as mud putty, oil well cementing, and other such applications.


Initially, cenosphere particles were used in the United States for a variety of applications as an extender for plastic compounds and were compatible with Latex, plastisols thermoplastics, polyesters, phenolic resins, epoxies, and urethanes. Till now, the compatibility of cenospheres with composites and specialty cement and the adhesive coating has been well identified. And in fact, Cenosphere from India are used widely for a variety of products including insulations, sports equipment, automobile bodies, paints, fire and heat protection devices, and marine craft bodies. Classically, it is applied in Gypsum board (fire, moisture, and soundproof solution for improving the quality of indoor air) jointing compounds, stuccos, veneering plasters, sealants, coatings and cast resins. Undoubtedly, it provides huge benefits to the application like reduced weight, better flow characteristics, improved filler loadings, reduced water absorption, reduced shrinkage, and warping.
Characteristics of cenosphere from India:
  • Lightweight
  • Free flowing
  • Off-white in color
  • Spherical
  • Inert
  • Corrosion Resistant
  • Fire and flame retardant
  • Low density
  • Improved Flowability
  • Low shrinkage
  • Thermal stability
  • High compressive strength
Extensive usage of cenosphere from India for different applications:
  • Ceramics – Castables, tiles, refractories, fire bricks, tiles, insulating, material coatings, aluminum
  • Plastics – injection molding, BMC, SMC, molding, nylon, extruding PVC flooring, film, high-density polyethylene, polypropylene, low-density polyethylene
  • Construction – Mortars grouts, specialty cement, roofing material, stuccos, acoustical panels, Shotcrete, coatings, gunite, and so on
  • Recreation – Kayaks, Marine craft floatation devices, surfboards, bowling balls, golf equipment, lawn and garden décor, and footwear
  • Automotive – Under-coatings, composites, tires, brake pads, engine parts, trim molding, plastics, body fillers, and soundproofing materials
  • Energy and technology – Drilling muds, oil well cement, industrial coatings, aerospace coatings and composites, and propeller blades.

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